The Agency-to-SaaS Program

A Six Week 1-1 programme, delivered by former Agency Owner and multiple SaaS Founder, David Hart.The program is designed for Agencies looking to spin out a SaaS business and turn it into a significant revenue driver.

Everything you need

At the end of this program, you and your team will have nailed your product idea, created a plan that you are all on board with and have a framework for launching and scaling a successful SaaS business.

1. Idea Validation

You're an entrepreneur, you have ideas all the time. But how do you work out whether this idea has legs? This session covers internal and external idea validation.

2. Getting on the same page

Launching a SaaS will mean business-not-as-usual. It may also mean some significant changes down the line. We cover the awkward challenges now so they don't rear their ugly heads when it's too late.

3. The Funding Gap

Many agency owners feel that investing in a SaaS is a bottomless pit. But it doesn't have to be this way. We work on a framework for quantifying the Funding Gap.

4. Managing the Transition

What happens to your existing agency? Who does what during the transition? How to manage agency mindset in a SaaS world.

5. All Things Metric

What numbers matter the most in SaaS? What will be relevant for your business? And how can you forecast even before you've launched a product?

6. Scaling to your first $1m

As an Agency Founder, you have an advantage when it comes to launching a SaaS. But you also have some potential blind spots. How to set yourself up for the best outcome.

Or do it your way...

The weekly modules laid out here are what I've found Agency Founders need. However, I can tweak the program where needed.Just get in touch and we can talk more about the options.

Get in touch...

2024 © David Hart. All rights reserved.


I'll be in touch soon!